Thursday, January 22, 2015

Article #1: iPads in the Classroom

Reid, D & Ostashewski, N. (2011). iPads in the Classroom – New Technologies, Old Issues: Are they worth the effort?. In T. Bastiaens & M. Ebner (eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Education Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (pp.1689-1694). Chesapeake, VA: AAC

In iPads in the Classroom- New Technologies, Old Issues: Are they worth the effort? -Reid and Ostashewski do research on two sixth grade classrooms that volunteered to use iPads in their classroom for a digital storytelling project. The purpose of the study was to investigate the “implications” of technology on the classroom experience that uses a ”constructionist pedagogy” approach. The study was done because the school jurisdiction wanted to “implement technology into sixth grade classrooms and provide useful support to teachers and students” (Reid, D. & Ostashewski, N. 2011, p. 1689). The students who participated in the study were in the upper elementary grades and were identified as being at risk for disengaging in their school and learning process. The schools “had geographically similar location and had access to all the same administrative processes and funding possibilities (Reid, D. & Ostashewski, N. 2011,p. 1690).” The school’s communities varied greatly. One school was in an urban area, with several thousand people.  The other was located in a very rural area with less than a thousand people.  
The project was opened to teachers and schools that wanted to volunteer for the initiative. Teachers who were interested in participating had to submit applications and describe how they would use the iPads in their classroom. Once the finalists were confirmed, it was decided that “digital storytelling and a constructionist ideology” (p.1690) would be the main focus of the implementation.  A research team was formed to provide support for the implementation of the technology.  The research team studied and downloaded appropriate apps on the iPads before they were given to the participants.  Face-to face training was also given to the students as well as the teachers by the research team.

The urban classroom set specific time for the iPads each week. The urban class took time to manage the technology and set up support activities.  The teacher setup “mircroblogging” and allowed students to “back channel” discussions.  The teacher found this greatly reduced the amount of questions the students had because there was more information readily available. The urban class also allowed students to explore “tangents” that they found interesting.

The rural class had a different experience, and struggled with implementation. The classroom teacher struggled with the technology.  Due to her lack of confidence, the process began very slowly.  The teacher later did her own research and found more confidence in her technology implementation skills.  The teacher also realized that she did not have to know everything about the technology because her students already had a very large knowledge base. 

                  This study found that the implementation of the iPads was successful overall and productive. Students took the technology to the next level by creating cross-curricular connections.  Both teachers and students found that the technology “positively affected their learning” (Reid, D. & Ostashewski, N. 2011, p.1693).  The study also found that the implementation of technology into classrooms without face-to-face professional development is needed.  In the end, the authors of this article concluded that the implementation of iPads in the classroom was positive enough to be worth the effort and time.

                  Many schools and classrooms are going one to one with tablet like devices.  With the technology available, it is important that schools take the time to research the implications of having such expensive and powerful software.  This research clearly stated that professional development is key when implementing the technology into the classroom.  Teacher confidence is a big part of technology’s success.  The research also showed that teacher’s attitudes affected their technology use.  At the end of the study, it was not the demographic differences that created differences in learning, but the teacher’s self-confidence.  The urban teacher had the confidence to allow her students to explore the possibilities of the iPad, thus allowing them to answer their own questions.  Districts who decide to implement one-to-one technology should put a great importance on professional development for teachers. Technology is evolving.  Districts, administrators and teachers need to continue their education to keep up with current and research proven practices involving all sorts of technology.